• 魔友796997     电影独白「天才瑞普利:伪造信」Vol.50

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    ‣电影✦天才瑞普利 The talented Mr.Ripley
    ‣音乐✦ OST-Ripley


    My dear Tom,
    I'm getting out of this.
    Freddie's death ,Silvana.I've thought about going to the police,but I can't do it.
    I can't face it.
    I can't face anything anymore.

    I wish I could give you the life I took for granted.
    You always understood what's at the heart for me,Tom.Marge never could.
    I suppose that's why I'm writing this to you.The brother I never had
    The only true friend I ever had.

    In all kinds of ways,you're much more like the son my father wanted.
    I realize you can change the people,change the scenery,but you can't change your own rotten self.

    Now I can't think what to do or where to go.
    I'm haunted by everything I've done and can't undo.
    I'm sorry.
    I've made a mess of being Dickie Greenleaf, haven't I?



    1970-01-01   47赞       3踩       8129浏览 评论(6)
男 影帝lv57


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