• 魔友796997     网红独白「Why I left」第二卷 Vol.46

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    ‣听译✦ 陆凝,Ariel.Y,栗子,大狮子
    ‣音乐✦David Nevue - Ursa Minor

    Michelle Phan女神的第二期独白来啦~
    Senior year of high school,while filling out university applications,an epiphany hit me.
    If I pursue my studies in medicine,I’d be spending the rest of my life fulfilling someone else’s dream instead of my own.

    My intuition led me to fill out an application for art school instead.
    I felt so selfish ,but I had to confess to my mother.
    She was heart broken and scared that as an artist,I’d struggle to make ends meet like her.
    But I promised her that I’d find a way to take care of our family while still pursuing my ambitions.
    She trusted in me and gave me her blessing.

    The first day of art school was special.
    Because all new students were given laptops.
    This became my window to the world,a vital tool for all my creative needs.
    But soon enough ,reality would remind me how my dreams came at a cost.And I needed to make money.

    I found a job listing for a beauty adviser position.
    I completed the interview but got rejected.
    Yeah,it sucked at first.
    But then I was reminded how God,the universe,whatever higher power you believe in,has three answers to your prayers:Yes.Not Yet, or I Have Something Better.
    God was right because that “Something Better” happened to be the very first beauty video I created.

    I was sharing my every day natural beauty routine.
    Nothing groundbreaking,
    I didn’t expect anyone to watch it.
    But after checking back,I couldn’t believe all the viewers and comments pouring in.
    That one video changed the course of my journey.

    The early days of Youtube was magical.
    No one was really making videos for money.
    But once it was possible for creators to monetize their videos,
    I was able to leave my part-ime job and turn this little hobby into a thriving career.
    I did it mom,I became successful and I was happy.
    My channel renew my sense of purpose.

    Eventually my hardwork paid off.
    And after saving up enough money,my family was taking care of first.
    I felt so fulfilled.Creating these videos didn’t feel like work,it felt more like a dream and I didn’t want to wake up.

    My growing channel caught the eyes of higher-ups who grew intrigued.
    It wouldn’t be for long until I’d be swept away by opportunities and promises.
    I said my goodbyes and left my family’s nest to pursue the “American Dream” in the wild west.

    It was hard to leave my family because they were all I ever knew.
    But my intuition told me to go and I had to follow…



    🧚🏻‍♀️Michelle Phan女神独白系列@🧚🏻‍♀️



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