• Lisa张茹楠     电影中的“失败”

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《未知》

    Let it Go!险些失败的【冰雪奇缘】背后的故事

    The Disney megahit was almost a disaster, until a series of creative brainstorms saved the day.


    In 2014, the Disney movie Frozen became the top-grossing animated movie of all time. It won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film, and “Let It Go” won the Oscar for Best Original Song. The film contained all the elements of a traditional Disney plot—princesses and ball gowns, a handsome prince, a wisecracking sidekick, and a stream of upbeat songs.


    But throughout, these elements had been disturbed, just enough, to let something new and different emerge. We assume such original storytelling comes from the innate genius of its creators, but here’s how Frozen really got its fairy-tale ending.



    it’s 2012, and the screening-room audience is all Disney employees. As the lights dim, two sisters appear on the screen against an icy landscape. Anna, the younger character, quickly establishes herself as bossy and uptight, obsessed with her upcoming wedding and her coronation as queen.


    Elsa, her older sister, is jealous, evil—and cursed. Everything she touches turns to ice. She was passed over for the throne because of this power, and now she wants revenge. She plots with a snarky snowman named Olaf to claim the crown for herself, and she floods the village with vicious snow creatures.


    The monsters, however, are soon out of her control. They begin to threaten everyone, including Elsa herself. The only way to survive, Anna and Elsa realize, is for them to join forces. Through cooperation, they defeat the creatures, and everyone lives happily ever after.


    The name of the movie is Frozen, and it is scheduled to be released in just 18 months.Often, when a movie screening ends at Disney, people cheer or shout. This time, there are no cheers. As everyone files out, it is very, very quiet.


    After the screening, the director, Chris Buck, and about a dozen other filmmakers gather to discuss what they saw. This is a meeting of the studio’s “story trust,” a group responsible for providing feedback on films as they go through production.

    在放映之后,导演克里斯和大约十二个电影的其他制作员工,聚在一起讨论他们看到的景象。这是工作室“story trust”工作组的会议,这个组的职责就是在制作过程中对电影提出意见和反馈。

    Disney’s chief creative officer, John Lasseter, begins. “You’ve got some great scenes here,” he says. “The dialogue between the sisters was witty. The snow monsters were terrifying. The film had a good, fast pace.” And then he begins listing the film’s flaws. After detailing a dozen problems, he says, “There’s no character to root for. Anna’s too uptight, and Elsa’s too evil.”


    Others chime in: There were logical holes in the plot. There were too many characters. The plot twists were foreshadowed way too much.


    Buck isn’t surprised. His team had sensed the movie wasn’t working for months. The film’s screenwriter had restructured the script repeatedly. The songwriters were exhausted from writing and scrapping song after song.


    “There’s a lot of really good material here,” Lasseter tells Buck, “but you need to find the movie’s core.” Lasseter rises from his seat. “It would be great if it happened soon.”


    From the beginning, the Frozen team members had known they couldn’t simply retell an old fairy tale. “It couldn’t just be that at the end, a prince gives someone a kiss, and that’s the definition of true love,” Buck told me.


    They wanted the film to say something bigger, about how girls don’t need to be saved by Prince Charming, about how sisters can save themselves. They wanted to turn the standard princess formula on its head.


    “It was a really big ambition,” said Jennifer Lee, who joined the team as a writer after working on Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph. “And it was particularly hard because every movie needs tension, but if the tension in Frozen is between the sisters, how do you make them both likable? The movie needed to connect emotionally.”

    “这是非常大的野心,”Jennifer Lee说,他在完成迪士尼的无敌破坏王之后作为一个作家加入了这个团队。“这特别难,因为每一部电影都需要紧张对立,但如果紧张感是在姐妹之间,你如何让她们两个都讨人喜欢?这部电影需要情感上的连接。”

    “Creativity is just problem solving,” Disney Animation Studios (and former Pixar) leader Ed Catmull has said, and so each morning, Buck and his team of writers and artists assembled with their coffee cups and to-do lists. Songwriters Bobby Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez would videoconference in from their home in Brooklyn.

    “创新就能解决问题。”迪士尼动画工作室(前皮克斯)领袖艾德·卡姆尔这样说过,所以每一个早晨,巴克导演和他的团队中的作家和艺术家都围绕在他们的咖啡杯和待办事项列表周围。词曲作者Bobby Lopez和Kristen Anderson Lopez会在布鲁克林区的家中进行视频会议。

    “Instead of focusing on the things that aren’t working,” Peter Del Vecho, the producer, said the morning after, “I want you to envision your biggest hopes. If we could do anything, what would you want to see on the screen?”

    “与其关注那些没用的部分,”Peter Del Vecho,制片人,早晨过后说道,“我要你描绘出你最大的希望。如果我们可以做任何事情,你想在屏幕上看到什么?“

    People started describing what excited them about Frozen. Some were drawn in because it offered a chance to upend the way girls are portrayed in films. Others were inspired by the idea of two sisters coming together.


    “My sister and I fought a lot as kids,” Lee told the room. Then, when Lee was in her 20s, her boyfriend drowned in a boating accident. Her sister was there at a time of need. “There’s this moment when you start to see your sibling as a person instead of a reflection of yourself,” Lee said.


    “I think that’s what has been bothering me the most about this script. Siblings don’t grow apart because one is good and one is bad. They grow apart because they’re both messes, and then they come together when they realize they need each other.”


    Over the next month, the Frozen team focused on the relationship between the movie’s sisters. In particular, the filmmakers drew on their own experiences. “We can always find the right story when we start asking ourselves what feels true,” Del Vecho told me. “The thing that holds us back is when we forget to use our lives, what’s inside our heads, as raw material.”

    接下来的一个月,冰雪奇缘团队把目光聚焦在电影中的一对姐妹身上。制作人还特意利用了他们自身的经验。“我们问问自己,什么会让我们感觉真实?这种故事就是正确的。”Del vecho说。“我们忘记套用生活中的例子,在头脑中的活生生的案例,这样的思路是错误的。”

    A few months later, songwriters Lopez and Anderson-Lopez were walking through a park in Brooklyn, and Anderson-Lopez asked, “What would it feel like if you were Elsa? What if you tried to be good your entire life and it didn’t matter, because people constantly judged you?”

    几个月后,词曲作者洛佩兹和Anderson Lopez走在布鲁克林区公园,Anderson Lopez问,“觉得如果你是艾莎你会怎样呢?如果你这一生都在努力变好,但毫无作用,因为人们不停把自己的判断强加在你身上的时候该怎么办?”

    “Elsa is being punished for being herself,” Anderson- Lopez said to Lopez. “The only way out is for her to stop caring, to let it all go.”

    “艾莎遭受惩罚只因为她是她。” Anderson- Lopez对洛佩兹说。“唯一的出路就是她不在乎这些事情,随他吧。”

    They riffed, singing snippets of lyrics. What if they wrote a song that started with a fairy-tale opening? Then Elsa could talk about the pressures of being a good girl.


    “She could change into a woman,” Anderson-Lopez said. “That’s what growing up is, letting go of the things you shouldn’t have to care about.”


    She began singing, trying out lyrics for Elsa to convey that she doesn’t care what anyone thinks anymore.


    Let it go, let it go.
    That perfect girl is gone.

    “I think you just figured out the chorus,” said Lopez.



    Back in their apartment, they recorded a rough draft. The next day, the Frozen team put “Let It Go” on the sound system at the Disney headquarters.


    “Finally, it felt like we had broken through,” Lee said to me later. “We could see the movie. We needed someone to show us ourselves in the characters, to make them familiar. ‘Let It Go’ made Elsa feel like one of us.”


    Seven months later, the Frozen team had the first two thirds of the film figured out. They knew how to make Anna and Elsa likable while driving them apart to create the tension the film needed. They had transformed Olaf into a lovable sidekick. Everything was falling into place.


    Except they had no idea how to end the film. The group was so comfortable with its vision of the sisters that it had lost the ability to see other paths.


    “We had to shake things up,” said Catmull, the studio’s president. “So we made Jenn Lee a second director.”

    “我们需要重新洗牌。”工作室的总裁Catmull说。“所以我们让Jenn Lee做第二导演。”

    Lee was already the film’s writer. Naming her as a second director, with equal authority to Buck, didn’t add any new voices to meetings. But sometimes the best way to spark creativity is by disturbing things just enough to let some light through.


    “The change was subtle but at the same time very real,” Lee told me. “I felt like I had to listen even more closely to what everyone was saying because that was my job now.” She understood that people were asking for clarity, for every choice to reflect a core idea.


    Lee had come to Disney as a new film-school graduate with a young daughter, a fresh divorce, and student loans, and now she was the first female director in Disney’s history. Anderson-Lopez and Lopez had fought to build the careers they wanted, even when everyone said it was ridiculous that they could support themselves by writing songs. Now here they were, with the lives they’d wished for. For Frozen’s ending, Anderson-Lopez said, they had to find a way to share that sense of possibility with the audience.

    Lee来到迪士尼的时候是一个电影专业的新毕业生,有个刚刚离婚的女儿,借着学生贷款,但现在她是迪士尼历史上第一位女性导演。 Anderson-Lopez和洛佩兹则是非常努力地打拼他们想要的事业,即使每个人都说他们通过写歌养活自己简直荒谬。现在他们就在这,活着他们想要的生活。至于冰雪奇缘的结尾,Anderson-Lopez说,他们已经找到了和观众分享这种生命中可能性的方式。

    “What is it for you?” Anderson- Lopez typed.

    “你怎么想?” Anderson-Lopez打字问道。

    Lee replied 23 minutes later. All the members of the team had their own ideas. However, Frozen could have only one ending. Someone had to make a choice. And the right decision, Lee wrote, was that “fear destroys us; love heals us. Anna’s journey should be about learning what love is; it’s that simple. Love is a greater force than fear. Go with love.”

    Lee 23分钟之后回复了。团队中的每个成员都有自己的想法。但冰雪奇缘只能有一个结尾。有些人必须做出选择。大家做出的正确是“恐惧毁灭我们,爱使我们痊愈。安娜的旅程是学习什么是爱,这很简单。爱是比恐惧更强大的力量。带着爱前行吧。”

    Later that month, Lee sat down with John Lasseter. “We need clarity,” she told him. “The core of this movie isn’t about good and evil, because that doesn’t happen in real life. And this movie isn’t about love versus hate. That’s not why sisters grow apart.


    “This is a movie about love and fear. Anna is all about love, and Elsa is all about fear. Anna has been abandoned, so she throws herself into the arms of Prince Charming because she doesn’t know the difference between real love and infatuation. She has to learn that love is about sacrifice. And Elsa has to learn that you can’t be afraid of who you are; you can’t run away from your own powers. You have to embrace your strengths. That’s what we need to do with the ending—show that love is stronger than fear.”


    “Say it again,” Lasseter told her.


    Lee described her theory of love versus fear again, explaining how Olaf, the snowman, embodies innocent love, while Prince Hans demonstrates that love without sacrifice isn’t really love at all; it’s narcissism.


    “Say it again,” Lasseter said.


    Lee said it again.


    “Now go tell the team,” said Lasseter.



    In November 2013, Frozen was released. The prince wasn’t charming; in fact, he was the villain. The princesses weren’t helpless; instead, they saved each other. Finally, true love came from siblings learning to embrace their own strengths.


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