• 小玲子~     【逗协】转载:冬至相关小知识(附24节气英文表达)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》



    Winter Solstice falls between the periods of December 21 to December 23. One this day, the day is the shortest and night is the longest in the year. After this day, many places in China go through the coldest period, which is called in Chinese, “Shu Jiu”. Winter Solstice is not only a solar term but an important festival.

    冬至同样是一个非常重要的传统节日,有些地区还有“冬至大如年”的说法。我大中华美食依旧在这一天扮演重要的角色。北方吃饺子,南方吃汤圆。这已经是大家对于冬至食物的刻板印象了。但实际上,在不同地区,还有许多有特色的冬至饮食习俗。比如,江苏苏州吃馄饨(wonton)、江南水乡吃红豆糯米饭(red-bean and glutinous rice)、山东滕州喝羊肉汤(mutton soup)等等。除了不同的吃食,不同地区还有不同的习俗,福建泉州、安徽桐城等地在冬至要祭祖扫墓。


    立春: (the) Beginning of Spring

    雨水: Rain Water

    惊蛰: (the) Waking of (Hybernating) Insects

    春分: (the) Spring Equinox; Vernal Equinox

    清明: Pure Brightness

    谷雨: Grain Rain

    立夏: (the) Beginning of Summer

    小满: Grain Full; Grain Budding; Lesser Fullers of Grain; Prime Fill Up Day; Prime Filling of Gain Ears

    芒种: Grain in Ear; Grain in Beard

    夏至: (the) Summer Solstice

    小暑: Slight Heat; Mid-Heat Day; Lesser Heat

    大暑: Great Heat; Beginning of Scorching Heat

    立秋: (the) Beginning of Autumn

    处暑: (the) Limit of Heat; (the) End Heat

    白露:White Dew; Pearl Dew Day

    秋分:(the) Autumnal Equinox

    寒露: Cold Dew

    霜降: Frost’s descent; Hoar Frost; Falling of Frost

    立冬: (the) Beginning of Winter

    小雪: Slight Snow; Lesser Snow

    大雪: Great Snow: Beginning of Heavy Snow

    冬至: (the) Winter Solstice

    小寒: Slight Cold; Moderate Cold; Lesser Cold

    大寒: Great Cold; Severe Cold; Beginning of Acute Cold

    1970-01-01   18赞       1踩       477浏览 评论(16)
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