• 极端造物主2g乄     Clean slate

    • It's not often you get the opportunity to start over with a clean slate.

    • 有一个重新开始的机会可不容易呀。

    • from:《史努比》

    Clean slate, 名词。明面上是“干净的石板” ,没有刻过字,没有污渍,就好像白纸一张。 它引申的意思就是“清白史”。

    🌻If you start something with a clean slate ,then nothing bad from your past is taken into account.🌻

    假设,你和朋友吵架了,有一天你们决定 start with a clean slate, 就是说你们想要忘记过往,[尽释前嫌,重新开始] 你们的友谊。

    像台词里那样加个over也行,start over with a clean slate. (start off也可)

    你和朋友说“Let's start with a clean slate”, 相当于“我们把之前的不愉快忘记吧”

    再假设,一个惯偷决定收手,想改过自新,那么他一定很希望得到一个clean slate.

    He just needed a clean slate.
    这里clean slate 可以直接理解为“一个重新开始的机会” 。

    等他改过自新后,我们还可以说He started over with a clean slate.

    🌻if you are given a clean slate, you can start something again, and all of the problems caused by you or other people in the past will be forgotten.🌻

    我表达得不好,意会吧 →_→


    I plowed under all last year's flowers so I could start with a clean slate next spring.

    If I start off with a clean slate, then I'll know exactly what each plant is.

    1970-01-01   10赞       0踩       213浏览 评论(7)
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