• 极端造物主2g乄     students on trial

    • So this killer used a sword?

    • 那么这个凶手用的是剑咯

    • from:《嗜血法医 S01E01》

    发着玩,这阵子闹得比较沸腾的留学生殴打暴力案。 过程就不发了,挑几段简短报道学单词吧。

    A group of Chinese students in Los Angeles are on trial, accused of abducting and torturing a fellow Chinese student, a young woman, according to media reports.

    on trial 受审
    accused of ... 被指控有啥啥罪
    abducting 诱拐,绑架 (abduct的进行时)
    fellow student 同学,校友

    Six defendants: Zhai Yunyao, Zhang Xinlei and Yang Yuhan, all of whom were born in 1996, and three other minors were accused of abducting and torturing the victim on March 30 in the Rowland Heights, an affluent, unincorporated community in Los Angeles County with an almost 60 percent Asian population. Pre-trial motions began on June 12.

    defendant 被告人
    minor 未成年
    affluent 富裕的
    unincorporated community 未建制社区
    Pre-trial 预审
    Pre-trial motions 审前动议

    Four other alleged accomplices in the case are still at large.

    alleged 被指称的,有嫌疑的(犯罪者定罪之前,都要加上这个词。如犯罪嫌疑人)
    accomplice 同谋,共犯
    at large 在逃

    Deng hong,defense attorney,he said that the case underlines the students' ignorance of the US law.

    defense attorney 被告辩护律师
    underline 表明,突现,强调
    ignorance of 对啥啥的无知

    Controversy ensued when the father of a defendant allegedly tried to pay off a witness, hoping to "settle" the case. He was later arrested and charged with attempted bribery.

    controversy 争议 (法学上)
    ensue 接着发生,因而产生
    pay off 买通,用钱封口(其它常见意思有“付清,取得成功”)
    attempted bribery 贿赂未遂

    1970-01-01   9赞       0踩       196浏览 评论(10)
女 提名影后lv53


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