• 极端造物主2g乄     与习大大有关的英文

    • Surprise! Ah~~~

    • 惊喜吧! 啊

    • from:《马达加斯加1》


    6月15日是习大大的生日,外媒对此事也有报道,主要是围绕微博上的趣事。 我觉得有点意思,大家都习惯了学英语,翻英文。那么用中文翻英文呢?
    越来越多的歪果仁对中文产生兴趣,他们也要学一下普通话俚语和网络用语,如果你的歪果朋友问你下面这些中式词汇,你会怎么用英文跟他们解释呢? 😎

    China’s President Xi Jinping kept a low profile during his 62nd birthday on Monday. The internet, however, wasn’t as quiet. On Weibo, the hashtag “Xi Dada Happy Birthday 6.15” trended throughout the day.

    kept a low profile 保持低调(kept原型keep)
    hashtag 话题标签 ##

    “Xi Dada” refers to Uncle Xi, the president’s widely used nickname. It’s even used by state media sometimes.

    这里说,习大大指的是Uncle Xi, 我们再用中文翻过来,习叔叔,习伯伯 😂 ,果然没有 “习大大” 萌啊。 没办法么,英文的叔伯舅全部是Uncle 🌚

    🌹“Did I just hear somebody calling me handsome?”

    🌹“Xi Dada was once also a good-looking young man,”
    习大大曾经也是美男子 (我说必须滴)

    🌹“Mengmengda Xi Dada.” Mengmengda means “very cute” in Chinese internet slang.
    这里说,萌萌哒是中文的网络语,意思是Very cute 😋

    “Photographer, you are so doomed to be fired [for making him look like this].”
    大概是摄影师把习大大拍得像长了米老鼠耳朵一样,网友调侃“摄影师你被解雇了” 😂

    doomed to 使注定失败,遭殃

    有点类似“你死定了,你要遭殃了”那种感觉吧。 其实这句,我觉得译 成简短的“Photographer, you are fired!” 也能起到相同效果。

    🌹Many Weibo users posted pictures of Xi and his popular wife, Peng Liyuan.
    The caption to this photo says, “The only couple who can show off love on CCTV News.”

    忘了说,caption = 图片,漫画上的说明文字。

    🌹Here’s Xi Dada fighting against the big corrupted “tigers,” as top officials are known.

    习大大打大老虎,我们自己知道大老虎是指的那些不作为的贪官,但光讲Tigers歪果仁肯定不理解呀,所以外媒在前面加上了 corrupted,意为“腐败的” ,这样就直观些了。

    所以,corrupted tigers 就是腐败的大老虎,就是corrupted officials 贪官污吏。🌚

    还有些微博网友发的 “吾皇万岁万岁万万岁”,外媒则是这样写的

    And quite a few users saluted the president by using the phrase “Ten thousand years,” an expression used in particular to wish long life to the ancient Chinese emperor.

    一开始看我还有点懵,还想了下Ten thousand years是指的什么 😣, 脑筋转的太慢…… 看完一整句才知道他们说的是“吾皇万岁万岁万万岁” 。 如果给歪果朋友解释,那多累啊,要顺带说完后面的英文,不然他们也不懂。

    salute ,动词。 致敬,表示敬意,后面直接加人名或名词。 所以句子里 是 saluted the president.

    最后,来个“五毛党” 😆
    Some of internet commenters are reported to be hired by the Chinese government to influence public opinion.
    They are called the 50 Cent Party, because they are said to be paid 50 cents RMB (= $0.08) for each post.

    50 cent party 😖 ,汗

    好了,C ya.

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