• E-mily     我所喜欢的你——法国景点之五ʘᴗʘ

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    ———I have never been there,but I have been there in my heart a thousand times.

    普罗旺斯 Provence

    Provence,lies at the southeastern of France,is bordered on Mediterranean.

    It is home to lavender,and also produce great wines.

    But one thing we might know is that it is the city of knight and the cradle of Knight lyric.


    《lavender blue》

    the song is a interlude of Cinderella
    lurics from movie:

    Lavender'blue,dily dily,Lavenders'green.
    When I am king,dily dily,you shall be queen.
    Call up you men,dily dily ,set them to work.
    Some to the plants,dily dily,some to the corn.
    Some to make hey,dily dily,some to cut corn.
    While you and I,dily dily,keep ourselves warm.
    Lavender"s green,dily dily,lavender"s blue.
    If you love me,dily dily,I will love you.

    凡尔赛宫 Château de Versailles

    Versailles Palace is one of the most famous palace in France,and is well-known as one of the world's top-five palace

    It is a gorgeous monument in the feudal period.In content,it is not only about royal court,but also the reflection of viewpoint on society and politics during that time.



    巴黎圣母院Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris

    the Hunchback of Notre Dame is a Catholic Church of the first order in France.

    It has a lot of historical value,and it is one of the most glorious architecture in history.

    We were sad to see the world's treasure was destoryed by fire,but now we are gratified to see that people from all over the world have done their part to protect the fragile heritage.

    And I believe when I visit there one day,It will be more beautiful than it used to be.

    诶菲尔铁塔La Tour Eiffel

    The Eiffel Tower's purpose is to create a work which can symbolize the technology in 19th century.

    It is the symbol of the industrial revolution swept every corner of the world.

    The Eiffel Tower is my favorite architecture in the world.

    卢浮宫Musée du Louvre

    Louvre museum ranks the first place of musesum in the world(法国卢浮宫、英国大英博物馆、俄罗斯艾尔米塔什博物馆和美国大都会博物馆),being the most famous place of art.

    It is one of the most precious architecture in Renaissance,famous for collecting abundant classical painting and engraving.


    只有亲自去体验才能知道还有哪些漂亮好玩的地方哟,才能体会FRANCE de beau.

    1970-01-01   19赞       0踩       594浏览 评论(3)
女 入行配角lv21


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