• 魔友796997     晚安独白「冥想世界:安睡的树袋熊」Vol.98

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    更多儿童睡前音乐下载APP :Moshi Twilight
    Snuggle down, close your eyes.
    Cozy up and relax.
    We're off to the sleepiest, dreamiest corner of a very special place.
    The world of Moshi.
    Say hello to Sleepy Paws, a very tired koala.
    He lives high up in a treehouse by a dreamy Moshi harbour,
    but Sleepy Paws is restless, and he just can't get to sleep.
    So he's going on a journey, but he won't be counting sheep.
    Sleepy Paws is setting off across a fluffy meadow,
    it's lined with balls of cotton wool and candy colored hedgerows.
    He's searching for a special place where moshilings sleep and dream.
    But this is not a normal world, you'd know that if you'd been.
    Its lake are filled with neon soup,
    and stardust covers mountains.
    and Moshi music spouts each hour from rainbow sherbet fountains.
    When darkness falls, a strange owl calls for all to go to sleep.
    And then a place falls silent, you can not hear a peep.

    1970-01-01   30赞       1踩       4465浏览 评论(3)
男 影帝lv57


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