• 魔友796997     创意独白「给你一剂灵感良药」Vol.92

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    听 译 🎸陆凝,Ariel.Y,栗子,大狮子
    Hi,I'm Geoffrey Fletcher,
    screen writer of the film 'Precious'.
    I've written a short script,
    stripped of any direction and along with Bombay Sapphire,
    we want you to use your imagination to bring it to life.
    We'll choose five to fund and recreate the short films.

    Here are few tips on using your imagination to create this project.
    First,choose your genre,how about a romance?
    Or a drama?
    A musical?
    Or an action movie?
    Now you might wanna think about casting.Use your imagination.
    Hey,why not?

    1970-01-01   40赞       3踩       8364浏览 评论(6)
男 影帝lv57


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