• 魔友796997     广告独白「你的梦想是什么颜色?」Vol.90

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    听 译 🎸陆凝,Ariel.Y,栗子,大狮子
    How do you start a revolution?
    How do you change the world?
    The world is a projection of our minds.
    A construction of fears and hopes.
    You are the world you live in.
    If you want to see change,
    begin with yourself.
    Build a new world.
    Because you can.
    Because you are alive.
    No more black and white.
    Just colors from your red flaming hearts.
    Your green deep eyes.
    Your golden suns.
    Your blue limitless skies.
    Paint the world with the colour designs.
    Your life is your life.
    A life in the world of colors.
    What color is your dream?

    1970-01-01   57赞       1踩       10571浏览 评论(5)
男 影帝lv57


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